To Tempt a Dashing Lord Read online

Page 2

  Marcus offered her a smile, which she returned before focusing back on the children. The little girls seemed interested in convincing Miss Hall to play dolls with them as she sat upon the scuffed wooden floor. Marcus admired her ability to play so easily with the little ones and that she was bold enough to do so in front of a gentleman. Marcus reasoned that perhaps Miss Hall was as bold as his aunt.

  As Marcus watched the children playing, he tried to remember ever hearing of a Lord Hall before. He’d been out at sea ever since his parents passed away and his older brother rightfully took the title and all responsibilities. He never thought he’d be earl and had enjoyed serving in the Navy and rising up in the ranks.

  There were times when Marcus longed to return to serving his country, but the pain in his left hip often reminded him of not only his new responsibility but also the fact that he’d never be able to serve again with his injury.

  “Come dine with me soon, Marcus. I would like to see more of you. Being around the young people keeps me young, after all,” Lady Evergreen said.

  “Is that your secret, Aunt? You suck all the life out of these young people so you can remain so beautiful?” Marcus asked with a chuckle.

  “I cannot share my secrets with you yet, Marcus. You’re not even married yet.”

  “Nor do I wish to be,” Marcus said firmly, knowing how his aunt could be full of all sorts of ideas. “It’s too soon for me to even think about having a wife.”

  “You’re an earl now, Marcus. The only thing you should be thinking about is marrying, having a litter of children, and maintaining the family fortunes for the next generation,” Lady Evergreen retorted.

  “Martin was raised so that he could do all of this. I didn’t have the same education as he,” Marcus reasoned. “I doubt I’ll do as well as he.”

  “If a fifty-two-year-old woman can manage estates and households while not completely draining the coffers, I’m confident that a young man such as yourself can do the same.” Lady Evergreen smirked as she rapped her cane down on the wood floor, gathering all of the children’s attention. Marcus knew it was time for them all to say their goodbyes, even though he had just shown himself. It suited him well since he longed to return to the solitude of his townhouse.

  Chapter 2

  “Miss Hall, may I introduce you to my nephew, Lord Kingston,” Lady Evergreen said once the children had left their room to have lunch in the dining hall. She rose to her feet and gestured to the gentleman beside her, causing Catherine to dip down into a curtsey to show her respect. Catherine knew that Lady Evergreen had no children and was surprised by the introduction because she had never mentioned her family very often. More so, she found this Lord Kingston to be a very handsome man.

  “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Catherine replied once she straightened her posture once more, folding her hands in front of her like she had been taught to do for years by her mother. Though she was a companion, her lessons on being a lady would not be easily forgotten.

  “Likewise,” he said simply. He had his hands folded back behind him and was rocking on his feet as though he was anxious to get going.

  “Well, let us be off then. It shall be the fashionable hour at Hyde Park soon enough and I do enjoy my daily walks,” Lady Evergreen said. Catherine went to her side and supported the woman’s left arm as she walked with her right hand firmly on her cane. Lord Kingston led the way towards the front of the orphanage, giving Catherine a moment to really observe him.

  His manner of dress was of the latest fashions. He sported a black riding vest over his muslin shirt, and his trousers fitted him perfectly. It was easy for Catherine to see that the man was rather muscular compared to most gentlemen of leisure. His hair was black and cut short, compared to how gentlemen tended to grow out their hair to be tied back behind their heads.

  Catherine thought he was rather handsome in his own unique way, and a bit refreshing compared to those she had met in the past. If her situation had been different, Catherine could consider Lord Kingston to be a suitable match for her based on appearances alone.

  “Well, Aunt Daniella, it’s been a pleasure being able to visit you at the orphanage. Till next time,” Lord Kingston said as they approached Lady Evergreen’s coach. Catherine let go of her employer as Lord Kingston helped his aunt up into the vehicle. Catherine was pleasantly surprised when the earl then turned to her and offered the same respect.

  When Catherine placed her hand inside of his, her blue eyes focusing on his brown ones, she felt warmth in his fingers as he helped her up into the coach. However, his expression didn’t hold the same warmth as he appeared rather aloof and unsure. She offered him a pleasant enough smile and thanked him for the assistance before he closed the small door, nodded towards his aunt, and then strolled off towards his own carriage.

  Catherine watched him go as Lady Evergreen’s driver snapped the reins and caused the two geldings to move forward into the traffic of the street. She was curious about the earl and why she had never seen the man before, even though she’d been working for Lady Evergreen for over a year now.

  “My word, that boy needs some work,” Lady Evergreen said with a sigh once the coach was being drawn down a main road in Town. The driver was making quick work of returning them to St. James, which was a comfort to Catherine.

  “What do you mean, My Lady?” Catherine asked, knowing her employer spoke freely with her.

  “My dear nephew has been through such hard times. His brother died suddenly, bringing him back from where he was serving with the Navy. He’s a captain, you know. But now also the Earl of Ralston. It was his brother that was raised to uphold the family title, not Marcus,” Lady Evergreen explained.

  “That must be very hard for him. Most who are able to have such a title in the Navy seem to be very passionate about their profession,” Catherine said thoughtfully.

  “Indeed. Marcus had been eager to join the Navy since he was young, often playing with little tin soldiers with his older brother, Martin. He truly made a name for himself, and his father had been proud of him. Now, he has no family left and is trying to figure out how to be a proper earl. If only he wasn’t such a recluse.”

  “Was it you that convinced him to pay the orphanage a visit?” Catherine asked then.

  “Indeed. I thought it would do his reputation some good if he was seen as a charitable gentleman. The Ton knew his brother. They don’t know anything about Marcus. Therefore, I have tried to persuade him to attend more social functions. He’ll need to marry, after all,” Lady Evergreen said with a huff. Catherine was thoughtful as they travelled through Town.

  If she had still been a lady in her family’s townhouse, she would have liked to hear such news that an earl was in need of a wife. It was the type of gossip she would have used to her advantage to possibly make an acquaintance and see if a relationship could be developed. After all, because of her upbringing and the fact that she’d been a daughter of an earl, it was her duty to marry someone of a similar rank, if not a higher one. But now, things were rather different and were difficult for Catherine.

  She knew that she’d never marry, despite being born into a noble family. Catherine could feel sympathies towards Lord Kingston but would never be able to act on those feelings because she was now serving his aunt. She understood that she’d be nothing more than a companion for Lady Evergreen and would be forced to observe Lord Kingston from afar. Even though he appeared rather stern, he was certainly attractive nonetheless.

  Catherine had to reminder herself of all the things she could be grateful for. She had everything she needed to survive, including elegant gowns, because Lady Evergreen refused to be seen with someone in less than high quality clothing. Catherine really looked up to Lady Evergreen because she was such a strong, independent woman. Her employer was a real oddity amongst the Ton, a fact that Lady Evergreen often used to her advantage.

  As the coach came to a stop outside of Hyde Park, Catherine did her best to remember he
r place. The footman hopped down from the driver’s seat and helped Lady Evergreen down from the coach. Then, Catherine stepped down on her own because she was a service woman. She took up her place beside Lady Evergreen, supporting her left arm once more as they enjoy their walk. But as they passed by other families of the elite, Catherine kept her eyes to the ground. Any sort of conversation was directed at Lady Evergreen, and she was completely ignored.


  Marcus was looking forward to return to his townhouse. He would have a small glass of fine brandy, retire to his study, and lose himself in a novel. If he couldn’t sail the open seas any longer, the least he could do was settle for the gripping stories of familiar voyages. This was all Marcus was thinking about as the carriage returned home.

  However, when he stepped down from the carriage and neared the front door of his townhouse, a strange sound rung out in the air. He stopped for a second and listened closely, wondering why the sound was coming from inside his home. A moment later, he was certain he heard the sound of a baby crying and was completely perplexed by the situation.

  Marcus hurried up to the front door and pushed it open, not even waiting for the butler to appear and do so for him. He even left the door slightly ajar as he hurried towards the sound, coming to the sitting room where he saw several members of his staff huddled around a small bundle in Mrs. Denton’s arms.

  As Marcus approached the housekeeper with the crying baby in her arms, his temper rising as he tried to comprehend what kind of trick his staff was playing on him, the butler and others soon noticed him and stepped back as they bowed their heads.

  “What’s the meaning of this?” Marcus demanded to know.

  “My Lord,” Mrs. Denton addressed. “This wee thing was found crying on yer doorstep. I collected the child and was trying to calm it when you came in.”

  “Have you notified the authorities? Should the child not be returned to its parents?” Marcus asked.

  “There’s a letter, My Lord,” Mr. Burg, the butler said, stepping forward and handing the sealed letter to Marcus. He quickly opened it and read the few short lines, his heart seeming to stop as he did so.

  Dear Lord Kingston,

  I deliver to you your niece. With my daughter, Anne, having died in childbirth, and Beth’s father having recently passed away, she has no family left to take care of her. Her grandparents are not capable of raising her. Please have mercy on the child and raise Beth as your own.

  The note had no signature to help Marcus understand who the babe’s family members could be. He tried to think hard to if he knew an Anne or if his brother had been in love with anyone. Marcus had been gone from England for the last five years, only setting foot on shore for no more than a month at a time. There was much about his brother that he did not know. But perhaps his only living relative would be able to answer some questions for him.

  The sound of the babe crying brought Marcus back to reality. The sound was maddening, and he was desperate for it to stop. Mrs. Denton seemed to be doing her best as she rocked the child and shushed it calmly, but as the babe’s cheeks turned red with frustration, Marcus had the sense that the child needed more.

  “Shouldn’t someone be feeding it?” Marcus said.

  “It’s a babe, My Lord. The child won’t eat solid foods for many more months to come,” Mr. Burg said. “The babe needs a wet nurse.”

  “See to it that it be done then. Mrs. Denton, I don’t expect you to take care of an infant on top of all your other duties. See to the child’s needs as you see fit,” Marcus said, feeling rather faint at the idea that he was going to entertain the prospect of raising a child. He knew nothing about them and wasn’t sure even where to start.

  “It’s no bother at all, My Lord. There are no dinner parties to plan for or guests to accommodate. For an earl, you are not so demanding as others,” Mrs. Denton said with a happy face. She dismissed the other servants then, with Mr. Burg hurrying to carry out his orders.

  “Did anyone see the person that left the child?” Marcus asked as he stepped closer, wanting to get a peek at the little one.

  “No, My Lord. It was the sound of her crying that did alert us,” Mrs. Denton explained, looking down at the crying babe and trying to sooth her.

  “I’m going to retire to my study. Do let me know if anything changes. Do you think she needs a doctor?”

  “No, My Lord. She seems alright despite the fact that she is hungry. She’ll need new clothes soon, though.”

  “My money is at your full disposal. Send for the items that will be needed for the child, as well as any additional members to the household to see to the child’s needs,” Marcus explained before turning away from the crying babe and hurrying down the corridor towards his study.

  It was only when the study door was closed that he seemed to get some relief from the sound of the crying child. Marcus walked over to the small buffet table and opened the lid to reveal a bottle of brandy and two crystal glasses. He filled his cup almost to the top before lifting it to his lips and drinking the contents. He tried to manage the entire glass but had to stop when the burn became too much.

  He settled down at the oak desk and placed the glass down as his vision blurred just a little from the sudden introduction of the alcohol to his body. He waited for the effects to wear off since he was not familiar with the habit of drinking, yet found it relaxing enough when he began to feel too stressed. With the current situation, his mind was spinning as he tried to reason with what he should do. There was now a babe in his house, and supposedly the girl was his niece.

  Marcus opened the letter once more and read through the lines as though he could discover something else. None of it made sense, and he wondered if the person who had written the letter was lying. After all, he’d just come from the orphanage where plenty of children had been abandoned by their families. It wouldn’t be so unrealistic that someone would try to force a child onto him by claiming she was his brother’s.

  It was when the sound of the crying stopped that Marcus became curious to know what was happening. When he opened the door to his study and poked his head out of the door, he saw Mr. Burg hurrying towards him, a pleasant expression on his face.

  “A wet nurse has been found and the child is doing well now, My Lord,” Mr. Burg said. “The other things for the child have also been sent for. Cloths, clothes, a bassinet. Mrs. Denton is overseeing everything.”

  “Very good, Mr. Burg. Keep me updated on the well-being of the child. There is much I must consider,” Marcus said with a sigh.

  “With all due respect, My Lord, is the child yours?” Mr. Burg asked. Marcus smirked as he shook his head.

  “The letter explains that the babe is the late earl’s,” Marcus explained. Mr. Burg gasped as he quickly covered his face and looked down the hallway. “Do you know of something I do not? You did serve my brother, and father before him.”

  “Did the letter state who the mother was?” Mr. Burg asked, his face turning pale.

  “Just the name ‘Anne’,” Marcus said.

  “Then it is as I feared. There was an Miss Anne who was employed by the late earl as a maid. She was let go when their relationship was discovered by one of the late earl’s close friends. Of course, Mrs. Denton and I were aware for it’s not the first time a master had been intimate with a staff member. Especially an unmarried man. That was about nine months ago.”

  Marcus ran his fingers through his black hair, his heart feeling as though it was pounding in his chest. His butler had just confirmed his worst thoughts. Now that there had been some sort of confirmation that the child was Martin’s, there would be no way he could abandon the child without feeling guilty for the rest of his life.

  “Send Mrs. Denton to my study when she has a free moment. I want to understand her perspective on the matter. I believe she has several older children of her own?”